Estonian Presidency 2024-2025 focuses on child participation
From 1 July 2024 Estonia assumes the presidency of the Expert Group on Children at Risk.
From 1 July 2024 Estonia assumes the presidency of the Expert Group on Children at Risk.
The Finnish Presidency of the CBSS Expert Group on Children at Risk prioritised combatting child trafficking and counteracting violence against children.
Addressing the situations of children on the move, who are at any stage of their migration at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation, including in the context of trafficking.
As part of their strategy for 2020-2025, the expert group mapped national child protection systems, and promising practice for prevention and early intervention.
Promoting multidisciplinary and interagency service models for child victims and witnesses of online sexual violence
Improving national and international data collection on violence against children by developing a sustainable and replicable data collection model suited to gathering information about online violence against children.
The project provided partner countries with international exchange and training opportunities, which supports partners in elaborating their next steps and future funding needs.
Addressing the specific needs of child victims of trafficking and exploitation.
Piloting an evidence-based tool to measure the impact of Barnahus in supporting the rights and the needs of child victims of sexual abuse
Strengthening the sustainability and impact of child participation mechanisms in decision-making processes for building safe and secure societies
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