
PROMISE is a flagship initiative of the CBSS Expert Group on Children at Risk – promoting Barnahus within the Baltic Sea Region and throughout Europe.

Barnahus is a leading European multi-disciplinary and interagency practice responding to violence against children.

A Barnahus can be described as a “one-stop-shop” or “one-window system”, which ensures a child-friendly environment in one location where professionals gather to provide rapid access to justice and quality care for child victims and witnesses of violence. The services are oriented at the needs of the individual child, with a strong focus on avoiding (re-)traumatisation.

The Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat is the coordinator of the PROMISE series of EU co-funded projects, and is the host of the PROMISE Barnahus Network.

These path-finding initiatives are enabling the sustainable coordination of broad partnerships, professional exchange, competence building, peer support, networking, practical tools and interventions.