Barnahus is a leading European multi-disciplinary and interagency practice responding to violence against children. A Barnahus can be described as a “one-stop-shop” or “one-window system”, which ensures a child-friendly environment in one location where professionals gather to provide rapid access to justice and quality care for child victims and witnesses of violence. The services are oriented at the needs of the individual child, with a strong focus on avoiding (re-)traumatisation. In a Swedish study, children who had gone through Barnahus were asked about their experiences of disclosing violence. According to them, feeling informed and knowledgeable, having a sense of control over the situation, and feeling connected to others rather than isolated, were key aspects of the disclosure process. These factors were also crucial in preventing further victimization. Recommendations from an evaluation of the “Lighthouse project” in the UK suggested including a liaison/support role for children and non-offending caregivers within the Barnahus framework.
This serves as the background for implementing the function of a child liaison in Swedish and Irish Barnahus as part of the EU co-funded JOURNEYS – Safe and Informed Journeys through Barnahus project. The webinar focuses on the function of a child liaison in Barnahus, and to share experiences so far in the project.
- Sofia Melén Moadi, Analyst at Barnafrid
- Linda Jonsson, Marie Cederschiöld University
- Helen Keley, Child Liaison at Tusla Ireland
- Elisabet Kjellander, Social worker
- Martin Herrgård, Lic. Psychologist at Save the Children Sweden Centre for support and treatment
Project Journeys

Project Journeys is a two-year project co-funded by the EU through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program. The project aims to ensure safe and informed pathways through Barnahus, from referral to follow-up. The project partners include Save the Children Sweden (SCS), Barnafrid (Linköping University), Barnahus Linköping (Sweden), Barnahus Tusla Galway (Ireland), Bonigi, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Marie Cederschiöld University and Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Hungary (Tdh).