About the Childlog
The purpose of the Childlog is to provide children with information about their Barnahus Journey after they have visited Barnahus. This tool seeks to support Barnahus in making sure that children have access to a summary of their individual journey through Barnahus, so that they can revisit and understand their experience and the outcomes. The Childlog is one tool that can be adapted and complement the efforts that Barnahus are already making to ensure that children have access to information about their journey through Barnahus.
The primary target group of the Childlog is children.
There are two secondary target groups:
- Non-offending caregivers may benefit from the information in the Childlog and can also revisit the child’s journey together with the child.
- Professionals can use the Childlog to structure information sharing about the child’s visit to Barnahus and engage in dialogue with the child. This overview can also serve as a checklist for professionals/the child liaison, ensuring that they have provided children with all the relevant information about their case.
The Childlog can contain information about the events that took place in Barnahus and where, information about the professionals the child met, as well as information about interactions, interventions and decisions that were made. Additionally, the log can contain information about where to find relevant information and how to receive more details about the events that took place.
It is important to note that the Childlog is not a journal of the child’s visit. The level of details and information about the child should be determined based on an assessment of the child’s circumstances and should not put the child at risk or compromise the privacy or integrity of the child. The information contained in the Childlog must be in line with GDPR requirements and other national legal frameworks and policies.
The Childlog is currently available in English and Swedish.
Are you interested in using the Childlog? Please contact [email protected] or the Barnahus Network.
The Journeys app was developed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States with EU co-funding as part of the PROMISE Journeys project.

Project Journeys

Project Journeys is a two-year project co-funded by the EU through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program. The project aims to ensure safe and informed pathways through Barnahus, from referral to follow-up. The project partners include Save the Children Sweden (SCS), Barnafrid (Linköping University), Barnahus Linköping (Sweden), Barnahus Tusla Galway (Ireland), Bonigi, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Marie Cederschiöld University and Terre des hommes Regional Hub in Hungary (Tdh).