The project provided partner countries with international exchange and training opportunities, which supports partners in elaborating their next steps and future funding needs. PROMISE provided exchange and training for Armenia, Estonia, and Moldova on Barnahus.


The PROMISE Barnahus Network brought new countries into the PROMISE circle of influence by supporting Estonia, Armenia and Moldova to take the next steps in the Barnahus developments based on the resources and experience of the PROMISE Barnahus Network.

The project activities included:

  • Forensic interview training with the National Children’s Advocacy Center in the USA, combined with Avatar-based practice using AvBit. The forensic interviewing sessions had over 30 participants from Armenia, Estonia, Moldova, and Georgia. Read more
  • A study visit to Barnahus Estonia, featuring a guest speaker from Finland and additional guests from Ireland and Slovenia. Photo album…
  • Training on internationally recognised Barnahus standards and multidisciplinary teamwork in Barnahus. Countries that participated in the training included Armenia, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Moldova, and Slovenia. Photo album …

Experience shows that the partnership of countries at different stages has a supercharging effect on policy and practice in both directions. In designing this project, the Barnahus Network worked with the selected countries on what would help them to promote progress in their countries. Despite being in different stages of implementation, Estonia, Moldova, and Armenia shared the need for resources, training and exchange.

This work will benefit children who encounter child protection systems, as the project promotes the integration of multidisciplinary and interagency services (Barnahus) into the continuum of interventions and strengthens the capacity of Barnahus to address the specific needs of (presumed and identified) victims of violence.


When a child is exposed to harm, a number of different actors have a duty to safeguard and promote the rights and well-being of the child, including social services, medical and mental health services and law enforcement. International law stipulates that children have a right to assistance and child-friendly justice. However, due to lack of coordination, child victims often suffer from delayed and fragmented interventions, which can cause traumatisation and re-traumatisation and delay the path to recovery and justice. In addition, systems set up to protect children often expose them to mental stress. Proceedings are not designed for children, and as a result, their rights to assistance, information, and to be heard in a manner that is adapted to their age and development are not always fulfilled.

PROMISE aims at promoting child-friendly multidisciplinary and interagency services supporting child victims of violence. It seeks to provide them with access to justice, avoid re-victimization and ensure high professional standards for recovery. Read more …


CBSS Children at Risk (Lead partner)

Center for Legal Education and Implementation of Rehabilitation Programs (Armenia)

National centre for child abuse prevention (Moldova)     

Social Insurance Board (Estonia)


The Swedish Institute co-funded the “PROMISE 4” project.


1 November 2021 – 30 April 2023


Olivia Lind Haldorsson, Senior Adviser and Head of the CBSS Children at Risk Unit,

Phone: +46 73 056 45 92

Email: [email protected]