The PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards

The European Barnahus Standards represent the first attempt in Europe to define the principles of the interventions and services referred to as the “Barnahus” model.

Pub. Jun 14, 2017 Published June 14, 2017

Read the PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards > 

The PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards represent the first attempt in Europe to define the principles of the interventions and services referred to as the “Barnahus” model.

The name Barnahus (“a house for children”) originates from Iceland where the first Barnahus was founded in 1998. Since then, many more Barnahus have been set up, at first in the Nordic countries, and now throughout all of Europe.

The PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards are composed of underlying principles, specific activities and institutional arrangements that enable child-centred and effective, collaborative actions.

The Standards come in a long version, and a short version in many languages.

Read the PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards >