Interdisciplinary approaches are strengthening coordination in Iceland, Lithuania, and Norway

Improving coordination and capacity

Interdisciplinary approaches in CBSS member states aim to strengthen coordination and institute a shared responsibility for child protection among different professionals.

  • In Iceland, the role that child protection services once had is being delegated to interdisciplinary and professional teams. The interdisciplinary teams will, for example, decide on child removals and other coercive measures. While prevention, early intervention, and rapid response were already well articulated in previous legislation, this reform categorises child welfare provision into primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Result: this professionalisation puts a shared responsibility on the interdisciplinary teams for each child’s well-being.
  • In Lithuania, local governments created departments for interinstitutional coordination, while smaller municipalities hired at least one person to manage this task. Result: These departments address multidimensional challenges facing a vulnerable child or family. Local authorities are better able to intervene in a coordinated manner with other local stakeholders.
  • In Norway, inter-municipal learning networks and dialogue meetings strengthen capacity building, collaboration, and coordination. Result: The networks form communities of practice, initiate development projects, share human and technical resources, and strengthen local services and programs aimed at vulnerable children and families.